OptiInstrument is a software tool that makes it easy to communicate with instruments and automate their operation using remote control scripts.
OptiInstrument, developed by Optiwave in collaboration with EXFO, addresses the need to automate instruments for researchers, scientists, photonic engineers, professors, and students. OptiInstrument provides a simple, efficient, and user-friendly way to manage multiple applications.
OptiInstrument’s single-window graphical user interface
LTB-12 and CTP10 rackmount modular mainframe
User-friendly GUI that operates from a single window
Remote operation and control of instruments
Execute one or a sequence of SCPI commands
Import sequences and script files
Reorder commands, add loops and pause from a preconfigured list
Generate Python script from a sequence of commands
Edit and run Python code using the built-in editor
Show graph or table view of data signals
Save results of executed SCPI commands in a CSV or JSON file
Run preformatted scripts to automate optical measurements using EXFO equipment
Run configured scripts to talk to CTP10, OTDR, OSA, or VOA
Multiple traces in the graph at the same time
Seamless import of Python functions for test sequences
Communicating with instruments remotely
Setting up equipment parameters
Characterization and automated testing
Passive optical component testing and characterization
Environmental testing
Extraction and saving of generated signals for post-processing
Integration of instruments from a variety of fields, including photonics and electronics, with software simulation tools
Enlight Technology Co., Ltd.